Alumni Members

Education for Individual and Social Responsibility.

The stepping stone for our alumni was put up in 2005 when the ex –students came up with an idea of forming our own alumni. Seeing the ardor of the ex students the school administration and the senior teachers’ sort of forming the “Future Stars Alumni”. So do so a special committee was formed and they planned and organized the Ex students Alumni and finally our mission got accomplished and we formed our alumni. In our alumni reunion we had students from all the batches till 2006. The overwhelming presence of ex students and teachers was a memorable event. Doctors, bankers, businessmen, engineers and professional Future Starians turned up and lived up again the glorious school year. One of the founder teacher remarked that she couldn’t sleep yawned the five years old taught by her and all her grown up professionally established students were her tiny tots in her eyes and in her hearts.

It was a breathtaking moment on 21st April,2013 when during the Alumni reunion the students felicitated the Founder Principal for her incessant service for 32 years in the field of education. The reunion was then followed by dinner and music where we could see everyone very proudly sharing the pride and their connection with Future Stars High School.

The Board Members of the Alumni are:

  1. President : Sucheeta Shrestha
  2. Vice President : Yachnit J.B Rana
  3. Secretary : Amit Chalise
  4. Treasurer : Anumesh Bajracharya
  5. Patron : Sanchita Thapa
  6. Spokesperson : Subrat Mani Dixit

Executive Committee

  1. Anish Rai
  2. Ankit Chettry
  3. Ashesh Khadka
  4. Melisha Maleku
  5. Roji Gurung
  6. Roshan Shrestha
  7. Sumit Bajracharya
  8. Shradha Bista
  9. Prasansha Bista
  10. Smita Shrestha

Advisory Committee

  1. Anita Thapa Acharya
  2. Ayushman Bajracharya
  3. Trilok Narsingh Shakya